Over Sixty Club at the Hub: Coffee and Mince Pies
With Christmas Raffle
Over Sixty Club at the Hub: Film: “Saving Grace”
Mardi Gras Jazz Evening
Alternatively, in writing to St Peter’s Church postbox giving your name, phone number and order. Tickets will then be supplied to Bradleys for collection and payment.
Featuring the John Shillito Riviera Ramblers. Proceeds to the SPC Playpark Renovation Project
Full Parish Council and Planning Meeting
Soup Kitchen
Come and have a cup of warming soup to support the work of Leonard Stocks Centre and Teignmouth Mutual Aid Community Larder
Christmas Tree Festival
Special Christmas coffee morning. Trees decorated by various organisations in the village. Light refreshments available. Free entry. Donations welcome
Christmas Tree Festival
Trees decorated by various organisations in the village. Light refreshments available. Free entry. Donations welcome
Friends of Shaldon School: Wreath Making
Please book on line. £20 includes demonstration, materials and refreshments.
Adults only
Shaldon Wildlife Trust: Trip to Wells and Clarks Village
Pick up point: Sea View Diner, Teignmouth at 7am, departs Street 5.30pm